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Assess your level in PORTUGUESE

First of all, do you know what is your level in Portuguese?

Take the leveling test and find out if your level is basic, intermediate or advanced.

It’s free and fast, enjoy!


Language Origins

Portuguese was evolved in the Western Iberian Peninsula from the spoken Latin language, from which all Romance languages descend, early in the 3rd century, in 218 BC, the Roman soldiers and colonists brought the languages there. The language began to distinguish itself from other Romance languages after the collapse of the Roman Empire, between 409 AD and 711; the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Barbarians in the 5th century. The newcomers, principally Suevi and Visigoths, rapidly absorbed Roman culture and the Vulgar Latin languages of the peninsula.

After the Moorish incursion of 711, Arabic became the administrative language in the dominated regions, but most of the people continued to speak a form of Romance usually known as Mozarabic; so that when the Moors were defeated, the influence that they had applied on the language was small. Its major effect was in the lexicon.


Language class at your place
The teacher will come to your home to teach you the language of your choice.
Class in the teacher’s classroom
The teacher will welcome you to his own fully equipped classroom
Online courses
Ideal for those who haven´t much time or who do not have a teacher nearby.

FEW good reasons to learn a new language

Dominate the worlds languages of business
Travel and Leisure
Avoid surprises by learning the basics before your trip
Add to your resume a second, a third or more languages
Exams Preparation
Preparatory courses for foreign language tests


Milena Fonseca
French student
Salvador, Brazil

“Worthy of the “golden patience” trophy for good humor and creativity when facing student’s difficulties. Very competent in teaching, my teacher brings the beauty and the richness of the French language through historical and current themes (he is interested in everything!) Focused on the interest of the student and on activities that encourage to understand not only the rules of the language and the meaning of the words, but also the culture of which they are part. Learning the French language gave me a new perspective of the world and France.”

Translated from Portuguese

Eliza Ikeda
Japanese interpreter

“Working with Talk & Chalk was a very interesting experience that allowed me to learn a lot. Thank you Fabrice! “

Translated from Japanese

manuel dantas
Swedish student
Los Angeles, USA

“Very serious and professional. They provide diligent service and are always available to answer your questions. 5 stars for this beautiful experience.

Luciano Pacheco
French teacher
Salvador, Brazil

“Talk and Chalk is an excellent language school. They have competent teachers with international experience and a solid culture. The atmosphere is welcoming, people are very friendly and funny. There is a sincere and constant search to offer the best to their students. This is the ideal school for anyone looking for coherent, serious learning. Being part of Talk and Chalk is a rewarding experience for teachers and students. I highly recommend this school. “